Show Up and Shine as Your Single, Significant IN CHRIST Self

Living your God-given purpose with confident boldness starts today!

Feel like you’re not important because you’re single?

I get it.

I understand what it’s like to desire romance only to live my entire adult life as a single woman.

I understand what it’s like to feel like an outcast because I am not one half of a couple.

I understand what it’s like to feel invisible, overlooked, unimportant, unattractive, and alone.

I understand what it’s like to use those feelings as an excuse to stay small, ignore God’s call, and convince myself I can’t succeed in relationships or business because I don’t have:

  • The looks of a supermodel
  • A husband
  • Enough money
  • Enough talent
  • Enough connections
  • The right credentials or
  • A charismatic personality.

But I’m learning to understand that my real problem is that when I don’t trust God with my whole heart, I fail to be who I know I should be and do what I know I should do because of my doubt-filled, excuse-riddled mindset.

I’m also learning to understand that seeking God first is the answer. Embracing my identity in Him is the path to confidence, significance, and success, the kind of success that has nothing to do with being skinny, being married, or being wealthy. The kind of success that matters is being like Christ and getting results that glorify God.

And you can’t produce those kind of results without relentless, purposeful action in the direction of your God-given dreams.

**I’ve known this core truth all along. I’ve been a Christian since age four, earned my Bible degree in 1999, and published four novels so far, one as me and three as fantasy author DK Drake.

But the internal war I describe in episode 30 between my competing desires to be married and to be an author entrepreneur has kept me small. Hidden. Insignificant. Until now.

Now I have a firm foundation and framework for my life that honors God. Now I know I am can be both single and significant because I am in Christ.

And I want to help you build that same foundation and framework for your life. I want you to feel significant. Important. Valuable. I want you to find your significance in Christ, not in your appearance, a relationship, or your net worth.

I want you to RISE from Stuck and live a confident, significant life as a single Christian woman. If you happen to attract the man God has for you in the process, BONUS!

But that’s not our focus. Here we focus on serving God to the best of our ability while trusting Him to provide whatever we need, including a mate.

This rise from stuck journey may be a bumpy ride, but as we learn to trust God, respect our strengths, and do the work God is calling us to do, we are going to build confidence, courage and consistency in the pursuit of God and our dreams regardless of our marital status.

You don’t have to wait to start. Click here to download your Rise from Stuck Starter Kit!

So strap into God’s word. Grab on to my hand. And let’s rise from stuck. Together.